Traditional lime mortar, render and plaster not only looks entirely in keeping with properties of a certain age but offers significant benefits via its flexibility, enabling the building to absorb the natural movement of any property. Furthermore, lime products absorb CO2 during the curing (drying) process and enable the subsequent reclamation of bricks for re-use in later years, thereby being considerably more environmentally acceptable than other options.
Oak framing has been a traditional feature of English house building for many centuries, offering potential for creating spaces of tremendous beauty. Rostrum Building, in conjunction with quality local craftsmen, brings an imaginative yet practical approach to the challenges of each build with astonishing results.
Hand cut roofing timbers prepared on-site to bespoke measurements offer a more substantial option, and increased loft space, than the trussed roof option seen in more modern properties.
Brick and stonework using traditional bonds and jointing enhances the appeal of the property blending with the existing dwelling almost seamlessly. Rostrum Building is an expert in the craft of this, often utilising reclaimed stone and incorporating galetted joints using local iron stone to reduce cracks and shrinkage – and producing an impressive finish.